Your idea matters!

Your unique perspective is exactly what will transform how we deliver care.
To our healthcare workers, we guide you in co-creating a viable solution that fuels your growth as an innovator. To our patients and their families, we invite you to share your ideas and together we can strengthen our health partnership.


Ether Dome Challenge

Want to challenge the norm? Have an idea to improve care? Be an innovative disruptor! Participate in the Ether Dome Challenge (EDC) this summer.

Inform us of your pain points, transform your pain points into solutions, and reform the way you work in your clinical setting.



Co-create with us

Healthcare is an ecosystem and no solution stands alone without collaboration and co-development. We invite payors, industry players, pharma, startups and venture capitalists to co-create solutions with our community of patients, their families and healthcare workers.


Become an Intrapreneur with the Innovation Toolkit

Learn by doing. Participants get 1 on 1 mentorship with real time, hands on learning to guide participants through the innovation pathway. Utilizing human centered design to frame the problem, participants learn how to research product market fit, iterate through design concepts to prototype and implement a minimum viable solution, with a possibility of commercialization.


We are committed to your Innovation journey

Our mission at the Center of Innovations in Care Delivery is to provide dedicated resources to elicit ideas from frontline caregivers, to provide mentorship, and partner with outside resources so that ideas create transformative shifts in patient care.

Our model draws upon the inter/multi/trans disciplinary nature of the Patient Care Services workforce and expands using our worldwide collaborations with those addressing new ways to address care delivery issues, be it tomorrow, in 5-10 years or off into the distant future to accelerate Innovation. The Center for Innovations in Care Delivery will foster collaboration and identify, prepare and lead us (all of us) to what healthcare will be.