Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research

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Jeanette Ives Erickson - Research Institute

Grant Application

  1. Grant Amount:  $10,000
  2. Number of Awards:  One grant award every two years
  3. Award Overview: The Jeanette Ives Erickson - Research Institute Grant Promoting Excellence in Patient Care supports a PhD-prepared nurse researcher with dedication and passion for inquiry that improves patient and family outcomes.
  4. Grant Eligibility:
    • Applicant is a nurse with a PhD working at least 20 hours per week at MGH.
    • The researcher is expected to have a clearly defined area of research concentration.
    • Dissemination of research findings locally, regionally, nationally and beyond, through presentations and peer-reviewed publication.
    • Focus on original research with potential for translation of results into practice.
  5. ***All applicants must reach out to Dr. Jane Flanagan to discuss their proposal idea prior to submission. Please email MunnCenter@partners.org to set up an appointment to meet by phone or virtually with Dr. Flanagan prior to submitting this Grant Application.***
  6. All applicants must work with the Munn Center Grant Manager (email below) for budget approval BEFORE you submit your application. The grant manager will sign the budget as an indicator of approval. This is required with any application. Budget requests must be detailed and itemized. Note that the grant manager has limited availability -- contact him EARLY!
  7. Grant Submission:
    The following is required to submit this Grant:
  8. **The following documents need to be completed in advance and then uploaded with your application:

  1. Review and Selection:
    All applications will be reviewed by members of The Jeanette Ives Erickson- Research Institute Grant Selection Committee.
  1. Duration of Grant and Post Funding Information:
    • The funding period for the grant is 2 years. No-cost extensions are considered on a “case by case” basis.
    • Grant recipients will participate in a post-award meeting. Materials about available resources, IRB review, and progress reporting will be shared.
    • Grant recipients will be expected to disseminate research findings at poster and podium presentations and in peer-reviewed journals and pursue future funding opportunities if relevant.
    • All dissemination resulting from this grant (publications, poster/ podium presentations) should contain the following statement: “Research support for this investigation was provided by the Jeanette Ives Erickson - Research Institute Grant and the Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Massachusetts General Hospital.”
  2. Grant Timeline:
    • Call for Applications: December 2022
    • Due Date: February 28th
    • Reviewed & funding notification: March
    • Announced:  Nursing Research Day – second week of May
  3. Grant Advisor:
    Dr. Jane Flanagan Jflanagan@mgh.harvard.edu
  4. Questions: Please contact the Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research via email at: MunnCenter@partners.org


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